Sponsor A Child – Sponsor a Future

Education is the most important factor in breaking free from the trap of poverty. Lotus Petal USA provides you a platform to Sponsor A Child in India and help families with a low income provide education to their children. Your contribution to the program will be utilized in three areas of focus:

  • Textbooks, notebooks, stationery
  • Food (Breakfast & lunch)
  • Summer and Winter uniform
  • Smart devices, data charges
  • Teaching expenses


We hope you’ll support your sponsored child until he or she leaves the school run by the Foundation we support. This can happen when a child is graduating of high school or moves out the area we serve or due to a myriad of reasons. Because of the fluctuating state of many families as well as the tough circumstances in the communities in which they reside it is impossible to predict or guarantee for how the length of time a child is enrolled in the school, even though the Foundation strives to offer services to children the longest time possible.

If a child leaves the school, it’s our policy to pick another child to sponsor, with the hope that you take on sponsorship for that child, and work with us to change lives.